Throwback to when Hen was six months old

While browsing the photos on my computer yesterday, I came across a folder of photos from when Mr. Henry Hayes was six months old. On one hand, it seems like it was just yesterday. But then again, it feels like a lifetime ago because he has transformed into an independent PERSON. Even though my family still refers to him as “baby henry,” he is not a baby anymore!  Although, the saying is true…He’ll always be MY baby.  


throwback thursday: 2 months old

This is a must post!  Throwback to this time last year when I had a tiny little adorable TWO-month-old.  That part of my life is such a bluuuurrrrrr. Blame lack of sleep. Blame being on cloud 9.  Blame the baby pinks, also known as post-partum mania.

Even at two months, lil’ Hen had the coolest hair, the brightest eyes, and the juiciest little lip.


Gah! I could stare at him all day long.

Wait, sometimes I do! True confession! And then when he goes to sleep, I sometimes continue to stare at his baby monitor, while also browsing photos of our past year together.

This guy is my world.  He is the brightest star in my universe.  He is the apple of my eye. We are two peas in a pod.


Throwback to Christmas

I found this little .gif in my drafts folder and couldn’t believe I never posted it!  Our friends had us over for a Christmas dinner so we took advantage of the decorated tree and got a family portrait.

If Henry looks tired in the photos…he is! We woke him up to take it – whoops!:)

On a side note, how cute are his little Hannukah pajamas?

Throwback Thursday: Henry in Early 2015

Sometimes I look back at all of the photos on my computer of my sweet little Henry, and I’m blown away by all that we’ve done together in 8+ months.

When I see little photos on Instagram that read 22W ago or 32W ago, I do the math and my eyes get wide when I calculate that into months!

From the beginning, it’s clear that I have always treated him like an adult. From the way he was dressed, to the places we went, to the activities we did together, to his sweet expressions, you can see that I never treated him like a baby.

I mean, just look at that face!  …That is a face of someone who knows what is going on!


@Happy Hour




@Weekly Trivia Night


It’s a Sprinkle!

We celebrated my niece-to-be with a “sprinkle” hosted by my sister’s sweet friends.  Until I received the invitation, I had no idea that baby #2 gets a {sprinkle}, instead of a shower.  It makes sense but was just a foreign concept to me.

Typically the perfect baby, Henry was not having his best day as I forgot a swaddle blanket! Believe me when I tell you that he didn’t let me forget it, either!  After refusing to fall asleep without his beloved swaddle, I paid for it with a few tears and his high pitched cries. Talk about feeling like a failure! Ugh. I totally dropped the ball!

Other than feeling like the worst mother ever, the day was beautiful, the party was fun, and the company was fantastic. The hostesses really impressed me with their adorable decor, fun games, delicious food, and outpouring of love for my niece-to-be.

And of course, I have to include a photo of my shower for a #throwbackthursday!  Can you believe how much STUFF we received for our little bundle?  Sheesh! It is ridiculous how much stuff the modern parent “needs” to ease parenting. Ridiculous but oh, so necessary.V baby showerShowered with Love,

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One Year Ago Today

One year ago today I took a red eye to NYC for a work trip an hour after seeing two blue lines on a pee stick. I still remember how surreal it felt to be pregnant but not showing and not being able to talk to anyone about it.

Luckily I met my sister, nephew, and brother-in-law for a Yankees game and shared the news. Phew! It felt good to unload that information onto my family…the insiders club!

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