Henry + His {Lady} Friend, Miss Lizzie

Henry has a pint-sized friend named Lizzie.  We’ve been having playdates together since Hen was just a few months old.  The smile(s) on their cute, sweet faces when they see each other just melts my heart.

We visited the “Super Bowl City” in downtown SF last weekend and hung out at the Ferry Building.  Even though both babies were in their carriers, they could not keep their hands off of each other. Literally…


hand holding



high fives


We will be headed to Tahoe together in two weeks where the two will be inseparable, I’m sure.

The Nine Month Check-Up

Our little turkey is growing up! It’s hard to believe, but he just went to his nine (9) month check up.


His stats are as follows:

Weight: 19 lbs 4 oz (36.58%, Source: WHO)

Height: 29.21″ (73.39%, Source: WHO)

Head Size: 18.82″ (97.82%, Source: WHO)

While his big head circumference is off the charts, he is a little small fry! I’m always shocked when people say, “He’s only nine months? He’s so big!!”  I want to scream, “No, he isn’t. He’s in the 36% percentile, lady!” For some reason, people calling him a big baby really IRKS me.  If you’re going to comment on his size, the best response would be to say, “He’s the perfect size.”

What’s new with his milestones?  There are so many!

For one, he is standing on his own.  He’s been hanging on to things with just his fingertips on one hand for a few weeks now, but, as of Halloween Day, he can now stand on his own without holding on to anything.

We were at a party when it happened and 25+ people witnessed it.  How cool!


He is just SO amazing.

I seriously say this to myself at least 96x a day. Really, I do! Every single day is something new with him.

…new sounds/words

…new milestones reached

…new facial expressions

…new foods consumed

…new adventures explored

new. new. new.

The funniest new thing he’s doing is squeezing himself into {incredibly} tight spaces.

…like in between a sliding glass door and a high chair.

I mean…


What did he think would happen?  Where did he intend to go?  Why on Earth would he even try this?

I have no idea, but he is adorable while he does it!

Toes Are Fun!

Henry is starting to become obsessed with his little toes!  He likes to pull off one of his socks and pick at his toenails. Where in the world did he learn this?  I have no idea, but it cracks me up.

Is it part of the baby process? Is it a quirk?

I constantly ask myself, “Is this Henry being Henry or is this Henry being a baby?”

I don’t know the answer, but I’m okay with whatever it is.toes2 toes