Henry + His {Lady} Friend, Miss Lizzie

Henry has a pint-sized friend named Lizzie.  We’ve been having playdates together since Hen was just a few months old.  The smile(s) on their cute, sweet faces when they see each other just melts my heart.

We visited the “Super Bowl City” in downtown SF last weekend and hung out at the Ferry Building.  Even though both babies were in their carriers, they could not keep their hands off of each other. Literally…


hand holding



high fives


We will be headed to Tahoe together in two weeks where the two will be inseparable, I’m sure.

Mornings with My Man


Henry wakes up in the morning cheerful, smiley, chatty, + playful.  After about an hour or two of play and a snack, he is usually ready for the first nap of the day.  Lately, Kevin’s been strapping him to his chest with the help of the baby carrier while he does the dishes.

More often than not, by the time the dishes are washed and loaded into the dishwasher, Henry is sawing logs. ZZzzzzZZZzzzz

Dancing. Giggling. Snacking. Reading. Cuddling.  Our mornings together are my favorite part of the day.


Afternoon Fun @The Pelican Inn

On weekends, we plan activities to get us out of the house and exploring our favorite parts of the Bay Area.  A few weekends ago, we went to Pelican Inn at {Muir Beach}.


We literally sat on a blanket for three hours while we basked in the sunshine and watched Henry interact with all of the other blanket loungers at the Inn.


Our Odd Nursery Setup

Yes, our baby sleeps on a mattress on the floor.

No, he doesn’t sleep in a crib.

Let me explain.

We tried the crib.

We hated the crib.

When looking for something that didn’t feel like a “cage,” we opted for the mattress on the floor. As soon as I heard stories of babies falling out of their cribs, I panicked and dissembled the crib.  If my baby is going to fall, I’m going to make it as safe/comfortable as possible.

I feel so much more comfortable with our current setup.

We scoot his little mattress right next to the guest bed to add a bit more protection (i.e. barrier) from rolling off onto the floor.

Three things I know…

  1. He is a bed hog.
  2. He tosses and turns.
  3. He knows how to get off feet first.

Yes, that’s right! He knows how to get on and off his mattress.

He also knows how to get on and off the couch.

A ledge.

A step.

He understands the concept of “falling” and is sure to throw his legs down so that his little feet are the first body parts to hit the ground.  He is one smart cookie.

Another plus of this setup is that he can get up when he is ready and play with items around his room.  Instead of being contained to a crib, he can explore his surroundings at his own will.

You can see him snoozing in his bed in this post!

The SugarSkull Baby 

Talk about problems!

We have two Halloween events this year but only one costume idea.  Oh no!

Because I don’t want to spoil the main “costume” on a Friday night stroll through the neighborhood for candy, I took a looksee through our stuff and came up with the idea is sugarskulls for our family costume.

…think Day of the Dead! 

This morning, Henry modeled the sugar skull “mask” I made him.  A few more tweaks, and it will be ready for Friday’s festivities.

Total cost – $0!

I had all the materials on hand.

A headband. Felt. Fabric glue. And a needle + thread. Done!



A Case of the Mondays

After a fun weekend, my pint-sized assistant is hard at work answering calls and emails on my behalf.  With a bad case of seasonal allergies and feeling emotionally drained, this Monday is especially hard for me.

I’ll just turn my frown upside down and count the hours until Henry comes back from the nanny.

…only five more hours.


I’ve traveled so much with Henry that I forget to brag about how good of a traveler he is!  We often get a round of applause when we get off the place + high fives telling us how well-behaved Henry was and how he is an “expert” traveler.  I can see that I am starting to take his good behavior for granted so wanted to highlight it in its own little post so that I remember these sweet moments.

Hen is so used to the traveling routine that he now likes to help me pack!  He really impressed me when he crawled into the suitcase and started putting items in it.

He is just so amazing. I can’t say it enough…


Toes Are Fun!

Henry is starting to become obsessed with his little toes!  He likes to pull off one of his socks and pick at his toenails. Where in the world did he learn this?  I have no idea, but it cracks me up.

Is it part of the baby process? Is it a quirk?

I constantly ask myself, “Is this Henry being Henry or is this Henry being a baby?”

I don’t know the answer, but I’m okay with whatever it is.toes2 toes