The Introduction of Peanut Butter

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This morning we added peanut butter to the breakfast menu.  If I am to be honest, I was and still am a nervous wreck. I have an eagle eye on him while looking for any red dots, spots, splotches that would denote an allergy. I’ve put off the introduction of nut butters because I didn’t think I could handle the stress of an emergency room visit should he be allergic.

Today I was feeling brave and did the introduction – so far, so good! Thank goodness!

The Bees Knees


Baby Led Weaning is the bees knees.  We are expanding our food repertoire to include crackers, carrots, and broccoli.

I love seeing his little “tentacle” finger that inspects all of the new food.

I see him registering the colors. the textures. the size…

He’s Small + In Charge, Just Ask Him!

When Daddy dresses Henry, you never know what kind of outfit he will be wearing.  Today I woke up to a cute outfit that shows off his dad’s NFL team, the Minnesota Vikings.  And in case Hen had a case of the Mondays like the rest of us, he was dressed in his comfy sweats to ensure optimal comfort.

This little guy is ALWAYS happy and doesn’t seem to care what the heck he is wearing.

Go Vikings IMG_4067 IMG_4069 IMG_4071 IMG_4078

Mealtime is Our {Current} Favorite Time

We are having a blast exploring flavors, textures, and colors throughout the day by incorporating new food into Henry’s diet. He loves his little seat at the head of the table and is content to sit there as we eat our meals together.


I’ve started to prep our meals for the week by doing grocery shopping, cooking, and prepping on Sundays so that we can save time during the week while still eating healthy food.

This week, I roasted broccoli, sweet potatoes, and beets and pureed them for Hen.  I’ve been sending them to the nanny to supplement the pumped breastmilk and was told yesterday that he loved everything, except for the beets.  The nanny said she tried three different times to give it to him and on the third time he threw it up.  I guess it is safe to say, he doesn’t like beets yet.  I will try a couple more times but if we get the same reaction, I will shelf that idea for a bit and stick to the other fruits and vegetables I know he likes.

The Food Experiment Continues + A Sigh of Relief

hhWe continue to give Henry new food to try, and I can’t help but snap photos of the hilarious faces he makes.  It sometimes appears he hates it, but then he keeps eating it so I assume he likes it.

The photo above is a great example of the stages of faces we see when he eats.  In this case, he is eating a yellow bell pepper.

I have to be honest in saying that ever since we started feeding him fruit pouches and finger food, in addition to breastmilk, I’ve felt a huge weight lifted off my shoulders.  Even though I absolutely love breastfeeding and cherish the moments we spend together doing it, having the pressure of being the only food provider brings a lot of stress.  Especially now that I am a working momma, and I send him to the nanny with a few ounces of milk for the day because that is all I could manage to pump in between his on-demand nursing sessions.  I love knowing that we can feed him actual food in the event I’m not able to provide a nursing session/bottle of expressed milk.

Food is Fun!

IMG_1783-ANIMATIONEvery day with Henry is better than the day before! Especially since we started introducing solid foods!  From avocado to fruit pouches, Henry is experimenting with different textures, tastes, and utensils.

Henry Eats- July

Is it messy? YEP! Fun? You Know It!  Once we get back to San Francisco, I’m sure our dogs are going to love sitting beneath him to serve as the “clean up crew.”