Mealtime is Our {Current} Favorite Time

We are having a blast exploring flavors, textures, and colors throughout the day by incorporating new food into Henry’s diet. He loves his little seat at the head of the table and is content to sit there as we eat our meals together.


I’ve started to prep our meals for the week by doing grocery shopping, cooking, and prepping on Sundays so that we can save time during the week while still eating healthy food.

This week, I roasted broccoli, sweet potatoes, and beets and pureed them for Hen.  I’ve been sending them to the nanny to supplement the pumped breastmilk and was told yesterday that he loved everything, except for the beets.  The nanny said she tried three different times to give it to him and on the third time he threw it up.  I guess it is safe to say, he doesn’t like beets yet.  I will try a couple more times but if we get the same reaction, I will shelf that idea for a bit and stick to the other fruits and vegetables I know he likes.